This Phebus, which that thoghte upon no gile, |
| Deceyved was, for al his jolitee. |
| For under hym another hadde shee, |
| A man of litel reputacioun, |
200 | Nat worth to Phebus in comparisoun. |
| The moore harm is, it happeth ofte so, |
| Of which ther cometh muchel harm and wo. |
This Phoebus, who was thinking of no guile, |
| He was deceived, for all his quality; |
| For under him a substitute had she, |
| A man of little reputation, one |
200 | Worth naught to Phoebus, by comparison. |
| The more harm that; it often happens so, |
| Whereof there come so much of harm and woe. |