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From The Man of Law's Tale, lines 1121-1127:
Constance's son Maurice is the future emperor of Rome
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From The Canterbury Tales:
The Man of Law's Tale
lines 1128-1141: King Alla and Constance return to England

       This kyng Alla, whan he his tyme say,
With his Custance, his hooly wyf so sweete,
1130To Engelond been they come the righte way,
Wher as they lyve in joye and in quiete.
But litel while it lasteth, I yow heete,
Joye of this world, for tyme wol nat abyde;
Fro day to nyght it changeth as the tyde.
       This King Alla, when came the proper day,
With his Constance, his saintly wife so sweet,
1130To England went again, by the straight way,
Where they did live in joy and quiet meet.
But little while it lasts us, thus complete.
Joy of this world, for time will not abide;
From day to day it changes as the tide.

1135Who lyved evere in swich delit o day
That hym ne moeved outher conscience
Or ire, or talent, or som-kyn affray,
Envye, or pride, or passion, or offence?
I ne seye but for this ende this sentence,
1140That litel while in joye or in plesance
Lasteth the blisse of Alla with Custance.
1135Who ever lived in such delight one day
That was not stirred therefrom by his conscience,
Desire, or anger, or some kindred fray,
Envy, or pride, or passion, or offense?
I say but to one ending this sentence:
1140That but a little while in joy's pleasance
Lasted the bliss of Alla and Constance.

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From The Man of Law's Tale, lines 1142-1148:
The death of King Alla