| For shortly for to tellen at o word, |
| The Sowdan and the Cristen everichone |
430 | Been al tohewe and stiked at the bord, |
| But it were oonly dame Custance allone. |
| This olde Sowdanesse, cursed krone, |
| Hath with hir freendes doon this cursed dede, |
| For she hirself wolde all the contree lede. |
| For, but to tell you briefly, in one word- |
| The sultan and the Christians, every one, |
430 | Were all hewed down and thrust through at the board, |
| Save the fair Lady Constance, she alone. |
| This old sultana, aye, this cursed crone |
| Has, with her followers, done this wicked deed, |
| For she herself would all the nation lead. |