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From The Pardoner's Tale, lines 464-473:
The three men urge the old man to tell where to find Death
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From The Canterbury Tales:
The Pardoner's Tale
lines 474-490: The way to Death and eight bushels of gold

       "Now, sires," quod he, "if that ye be so leef
475To fynde Deeth, turne up this croked wey,
For in that grove I lafte hym, by my fey,
Under a tree, and there he wole abyde;
Noght for your boost he wole him no thyng hyde.
Se ye that ook? Right ther ye shal hym fynde.
480God save yow that boghte agayn mankynde,
And yow amende!" Thus seyde this olde man;
And everich of thise riotoures ran
Til he cam to that tree, and ther they founde
Of floryns fyne of gold ycoyned rounde
485Wel ny an eighte busshels, as hem thoughte.
No lenger thanne after Deeth they soughte,
But ech of hem so glad was of that sighte,
For that the floryns been so faire and brighte,
That doun they sette hem by this precious hoord.
490The worste of hem, he spak the firste word.
       "Now, sirs," said he, "if you're so keen, in brief,
475To find out Death, turn up this crooked way,
For in that grove I left him, by my fay,
Under a tree, and there he will abide;
Nor for your boasts will he a moment hide.
See you that oak? Right there you shall him find.
480God save you, Who redeemed all humankind,
And mend your ways!"- thus said this ancient man.
And every one of these three roisterers ran
Till he came to that tree; and there they found,
Of florins of fine gold, new-minted, round,
485Well-nigh eight bushels full, or so they thought.
No longer, then, after this Death they sought,
But each of them so glad was of that sight,
Because the florins were so fair and bright,
That down they all sat by this precious hoard.
490The worst of them was first to speak a word.

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From The Pardoner's Tale, lines 491-515:
An agreement on the division of the treasure between three men