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From The Pardoner's Tale, lines 603-617:
The Pardoner elaborates the moral of his tale
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From The Canterbury Tales:
The Pardoner's Tale
lines 618-632: The Pardoner explains the purpose of his pardons

       Now, goode men, God foryeve yow youre trespas,
And ware yow fro the synne of avarice;
620Myn hooly pardoun may yow alle warice,
So that ye offre nobles or sterlynges,
Or elles silver broches, spoones, rynges;
Boweth youre heed under this hooly bulle!
Com up, ye wyves, offreth of youre wolle!
625Youre names I entre heer in my rolle anon,
Into the blisse of hevene shul ye gon.
I yow assoille by myn heigh power,
Yow that wol offre, as clene and eek as cleer
As ye were born. - And lo, sires, thus I preche.
630And Jesu Crist, that is oure soules leche,
So graunte yow his pardoun to receyve,
For that is best, I wol yow nat deceyve.
       Now, good men, God forgive you each trespass,
And keep you from the sin of avarice.
620My holy pardon cures and will suffice,
So that it brings me gold, or silver brings,
Or else, I care not- brooches, spoons or rings.
Bow down your heads before this holy bull!
Come up, you wives, and offer of your wool!
625Your names I'll enter on my roll, anon,
And into Heaven's bliss you'll go, each one.
For I'll absolve you, by my special power,
You that make offering, as clean this hour
As you were born. And lo, sirs, thus I preach.
630And Jesus Christ, who is our souls' great leech,
So grant you each his pardon to receive;
For that is best; I will not you deceive.

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From The Pardoner's Tale, lines 633-659:
The Pardoner offers his indulgences for sale