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From The Parson's Tale, paragraph 1-3:
About penitence
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From The Canterbury Tales:
The Parson's Tale
Paragraph 4-5
Three kinds of penitence: 1. contrition, 2. confession, 3. satisfaction

§ 4        The speces of penitence been three. That oon of hem is solempne, another is commune, and the thridde is privee. Thilke penance that is solempne is in two maneres; as to be put out of hooly chirche in Lente, for slaughtre of children and swich maner thyng. Another is, whan a man hath synned openly, of which synne the fame is openly spoken in the contree, and thanne hooly chirche by juggement destreyneth hym for to do open penaunce. Commune penaunce is that preestes enjoynen men communly in certeyn caas, as for to goon peraventure naked in pilgrimages, or barefoot. Pryvee penaunce is thilke that men doon alday for privee synnes, of whiche we shryve us prively and receyve privee penaunce. § 4        The species of Penitence are three. One of them is solemn, another is common, and the third is private. This penance that is solemn is in two ways; as to be put out of holy church in Lent, for slaughter of children, and such sort of thing. Another is, when a man has sinned openly, of which sin the fame is openly spoken in the country, and then holy church by judgment compels him to do open penance. Common penance is what priests enjoin men commonly in certain cases, as to go perhaps naked on pilgrimages, or barefoot. Private penance is this that men do every day for private sins, of which we confess ourselves privately and receive private penance.
§ 5        Now shaltow understande what is bihovely and necessarie to verray perfit penitence. And this stant on three thynges: contricioun of herte, confessioun of mouth, and satisfaction. For which seith Seint John Crisostom "penitence destreyneth a man to accepte benygnely every peyne that hym is enjoyned, with contricioun of herte, and shrift of mouth, with satisfaccioun; and in werkynge of alle manere humylitee." And this is fruytful penitence agayn three thinges in which we wratthe oure lord Jhesu Crist: this is to seyn, by delit in thynkynge, by reccheleesnesse in spekynge, and by wikked synful werknyge. And agayns thise wikkede giltes is penitence, that may be likned unto a tree. § 5        Now shall you understand what is suitable and necessary to true, perfect Penitence. And this consists of three things: Contrition of Heart, Confession of Mouth, and Satisfaction. For which says Saint John Crisostom, "Penitence compels a man to accept patiently every pain that to him is enjoined, with contrition of heart, and confession of mouth, with satisfaction, and in working of all sorts of humility." And this is fruitful penitence against three things in which we anger our Lord Jesus Christ; this is to say, by delight in thinking, by recklessness in speaking, and by wicked sinful conduct. And against this wicked guilt is Penitence, that can be likened unto a tree.

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From The Parson's Tale, paragraph 6-7:
About contrition, the first part of penitence