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From The Summoner's Tale, lines 97-100:
The interruption by the friar and the host
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From The Canterbury Tales:
The Summoner's Tale
lines 101-135: The friar visits his friend Thomas and wife

       So longe he wente, hous by hous, til he
Cam til an hous ther he was wont to be
Refresshed moore than in an hundred placis.
Syk lay the goode man whos that the place is;
105Bedrede upon a couche lowe he lay.
"Deus hic!" quod he, "O Thomas, freend, good day!"
Seyde this frere, curteisly and softe.
"Thomas," quod he, "God yelde yow! Ful ofte
Have I upon this bench faren ful weel;
110Heere have I eten many a myrie meel."
And fro the bench he droof awey the cat,
And leyde adoun his potente and his hat,
And eek his scrippe, and sette hym softe adoun.
His felawe was go walked into toun
115Forth with his knave, into that hostelrye
Where as he shoop hym thilke nyght to lye.
       Along he went from house to house, till he
Came to a house where he was wont to be
Refreshed more than in hundred places round.
And sick the goodman of the place he found;
105Bedridden on a couch he prostrate lay.
"Deus hic," said he. "Thomas, my friend, good day,"
Said he, this friar, courteously and soft.
"Thomas," said he, "may God repay you! Oft
Have I sat on this bench and fared right well.
110Here have I eaten many a merry meal."
And from the bench he drove away the cat,
And laid down there his steel-tipped staff and hat
And his scrip, too, and sat him softly down.
His fellow had gone walking into town,
115With the said menial, to a hostelry
Wherein he thought that very night to lie.
       "O deere maister," quod this sike man,
"How han ye fare sith that March bigan?
I saugh yow noght this fourtenyght or moore."
120"God woot," quod he, "laboured have I ful soore,
And specially, for thy savacion
Have I seyd many a precious orison,
And for oure othere freendes, God hem blesse!
I have to day been at youre chirche at messe,
125And seyd a sermon after my symple wit,
Nat al after the text of hooly writ;
For it is hard to yow, as I suppose,
And therfore wol I teche yow al the glose.
Glosynge is a glorious thyng, certeyn,
130For lettre sleeth, so as we clerkes seyn.
There have I taught hem to be charitable,
And spende hir good ther it is resonable;
And there I saugh oure dame. A! where is she?"
       "Yond in the yerd I trowe that she be,"
135Seyde this man, "and she wol come anon."
       "O my dear master," whispered this sick man,
"How have you fared since this month March began?
"I've seen you not this fortnight, aye or more."
120"God knows," said he, "that I have toiled full sore;
And very specially for your salvation
Have I said precious prayers, and at each station,
And for our other friends, whom may God bless!
I have today been to your church, at Mass,
125And preached a sermon after my poor wit,
Not wholly from the text of holy writ,
For that is hard and baffling in the main;
And therefore all its meaning I'll explain.
Glosing's a glorious thing, and that's certain,
130For letters kill, as scholars say with pain.
Thus have I taught them to be charitable,
And spend their money reasonably, as well.
And there I saw your dame- ah, where is she?"
       "Yonder within the yard I think she'll be,"
135Said this sick man, "and she will come anon."

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From The Summoner's Tale, lines 136-171:
The friar complains about their small church contribution and attendance