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From The Summoner's Tale, lines 101-135:
The friar visits his friend Thomas and wife
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From The Canterbury Tales:
The Summoner's Tale
lines 136-171: The friar complains about their small church contribution and attendance

       "Ey, maister, welcome be ye, by Seint John!"
Seyde this wyf, "How fare ye, hertely?"
       The frere ariseth up ful curteisly,
And hire embraceth in his armes narwe,
140And kiste hire sweete, and chirketh as a sparwe
With his lyppes: "Dame," quod he, "right weel,
As he that is youre servent every deel,
Thanked be God, that yow yaf soule and lyf!
Yet saugh I nat this day so fair a wyf
145In al the chirche, God so save me!"
       "Eh, master! Welcome be you, by Saint John!"
Exclaimed the wife. "How fare you, heartily?"
       The friar arose, and that full courteously,
And her embraced within his two arms narrow,
140And kissed her sweetly, chirping like a sparrow
With his two lips. "Ah, dame," said he, "right well
As one that is your servant, let me tell,
Thanks be to God Who gave you soul and life,
For saw I not this day so fair a wife
145In all the congregation, God save me!"
       "Ye, God amende defautes, sire," quod she.
"Algates, welcome be ye, by my fey!"
       "Graunt mercy, dame, this have I founde alwey.
But of youre grete goodnesse, by youre leve,
150I wolde prey yow that ye nat yow greve,
I wole with Thomas speke a litel throwe.
Thise curatz been ful necligent and slowe
To grope tendrely a conscience
In shrift; in prechyng is my diligence,
155And studie in Petres wordes and in Poules.
I walke, and fisshe Cristen mennes soules,
To yelden Jhesu Crist his propre rente;
To sprede his word is set al myn entente."
       "Yea, God correct all faults, sir," answered she,
"But you are always welcome, by my fay!"
       "Many thanks, dame, this have I found alway.
But of your innate goodness, by your leave,
150I'd beg of you, be cross or grieve
If I with Thomas speak a little now.
These curates are right negligent and slow
In searching tenderly into conscience.
To preach confession is my diligence,
155And I do study Peter's words and Paul's.
I walk and fish for Christian persons' souls
To yield to Jesus Christ his increment;
To spread his gospel is my whole intent."
       "Now, by youre leve, o deere sire," quod she
160"Chideth him weel, for seinte Trinitee!
He is as angry as a pissemyre,
Though that he have al that he kan desire,
Though I hym wrye a-nyght and make hym warm,
And over hym leye my leg outher myn arm,
165He groneth lyk oure boor, lith in oure sty.
Oother desport right noon of hym have I;
I may nat plese hym in no maner cas."
       "O Thomas, je vous dy, Thomas! Thomas!
This maketh the feend; this moste ben amended.
170Ire is a thyng that hye God defended,
And therof wol I speke a word or two."
       "Now, by your leave, O my dear sir," said she,
160"Berate him well, for Holy Trinity.
He is as crabbed as an old pismire,
Though he has everything he can desire.
Though him I cover at night, and make him warm,
And lay my leg across him, or my arm,
165He grunts and groans like our old boar in sty
And other sport- just none from him have I.
I cannot please him, no, in any case."
       "O Thomas, je vous dis, Thomas, Thomas!
This is the devil's work, this must be amended,
170Anger's a thing that makes High God offended,
And thereof will I speak a word or two."

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From The Summoner's Tale, lines 172-189:
Thomas' wife offers the friar a meal and says their son has recently died