Lo, Moyses fourty dayes and fourty nyght |
| Fasted, er that the heighe God of myght |
| Spak with hym in the mountayne of Synay. |
| With empty wombe, fastynge many a day, |
225 | Receyved he the lawe that was writen |
| With Goddes fynger; and Elye, wel ye witen, |
| In mount Oreb, er he hadde any speche |
| With hye God, that is oure lyves leche, |
| He fasted longe, and was in contemplaunce. |
| Lo, Moses forty days and forty nights |
| Fasted before the mightiest God of mights |
| Spoke with him on the Mountain of Sinai. |
| With empty belly, fasting long, say I, |
225 | Received he there the law that had been writ |
| By God's hand; and Elias, you know of it |
| On Mount Horeb, ere he had any speech |
| With the High God, Who is our spirits' leech, |
| He fasted long and deep his contemplation. |