190 |
"His deeth saugh I by revelacioun," |
| Seide this frere, "at hoom in oure dortour. |
| I dar wel seyn that, er that half an hour |
| After his deeth, I saugh hym born to blisse |
| In myn avision, so God me wisse! |
195 | So didde oure sexteyn and oure fermerer, |
| That han been trewe freres fifty yeer; |
| They may now - God be thanked of his loone! - |
| Maken hir jubilee and walke allone. |
| And up I roos, and al oure covent eke, |
200 | With many a teere trillyng on my cheke, |
| Withouten noyse or claterynge of belles; |
| Te Deum was oure song, and nothyng elles, |
| Save that to Crist I seyde an orison, |
| Thankynge hym of his revelacion. |
205 | For, sire and dame, trusteth me right weel, |
| Oure orisons been moore effectueel, |
| And moore we seen of Cristes secree thynges, |
| Than burel folk, although they weren kynges. |
| We lyve in poverte and in abstinence, |
210 | And burell folk in richesse and despence |
| Of mete and drynke, and in hir foul delit. |
| We han this worldes lust al in despit. |
| Lazar and Dives lyveden diversly, |
| And divers gerdon hadden they therby. |
215 | Whoso wol preye, he moot faste and be clene, |
| And fatte his soule, and make his body lene. |
| We fare as seith th'apostle; clooth and foode |
| Suffisen us, though they be nat ful goode. |
| The clennesse and the fastynge of us freres |
220 | Maketh that crist accepteth oure preyeres. |
190 | "His death saw I by revelation, aye," |
| Replied this friar, "at home in dormitory |
| Less than an hour, I dare say, before to glory, |
| After his death, I saw him borne in bliss |
| In vision mine, may God me guide in this! |
195 | So did our sexton and infirmarian, |
| Who have been true friars fifty years, each man; |
| And may now, God be thanked for mercy shown, |
| Observe their jubilee and walk alone. |
| And I rose up and did my brothers seek, |
200 | With many a tear down trickling on my cheek, |
| And without noise or clashing of the bells; |
| Te deum was our song and nothing else, |
| Except that to Christ I said an orison, |
| And thanked him for the vision he had shown |
205 | For, sir and dame, trust me full well in all, |
| Our orisons are more effectual, |
| And more we see of Christ's own secret things |
| Than folk of the laity, though they were kings. |
| We live in poverty and abstinence |
210 | And laymen live in riches and expense |
| Of meat and drink, and in their gross delight. |
| This world's desires we hold in great despite. |
| Dives and Lazarus lived differently, |
| And different recompense they had thereby. |
215 | Whoso would pray, he must fast and be clean, |
| Fatten his soul and keep his body lean. |
| We fare as says the apostle; clothes and food |
| Suffice us, though they be not over-good. |
| The cleanness and the fasting of us friars |
220 | Result in Christ's accepting all our prayers. |