I wol yow telle, as was me taught also, |
| The foure spirites and the bodies sevene, |
| By ordre, as ofte I herde my lord hem nevene. |
| The firste spirit quyksilver called is, |
270 | The seconde orpyment, the thridde, ywis, |
| Sal armonyak, and the ferthe brymstoon. |
| The bodyes sevene eek, lo! hem heere anoon: |
| Sol gold is, and Luna silver we threpe, |
| Mars iren, Mercurie quyksilver we clepe, |
275 | Saturnus leed, and Juppiter is tyn, |
| And Venus coper, by my fader kyn! |
I will tell you, as I was taught before, |
| The bodies seven and the spirits four, |
| In order, as my master named of yore. |
| The first of spirits, then, quicksilver is, |
270 | The second arsenic, the third, ywis, |
| Is sal ammoniac, the fourth brimstone. |
| The seven bodies I'll describe anon: |
| Sol, gold is, Luna's silver, as we see, |
| Mars iron, and quicksilver's Mercury, |
275 | Saturn is lead, and Jupiter is tin, |
| And Venus copper, by my father's kin! |