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But now help God to quenchen al this sorwe, | |
So hope I that he shal, for he best may; | |
1060 | For I have seyn, of a ful misty morwe |
Folwen ful ofte a mery someres day; | |
And after winter folweth grene May. | |
Men seen alday, and reden eek in stories, | |
That after sharpe shoures been victories. |
1065 | This Troilus, whan he hir wordes herde, |
Have ye no care, him liste not to slepe; | |
For it thoughte him no strokes of a yerde | |
To here or seen Criseyde, his lady wepe; | |
But wel he felte aboute his herte crepe, | |
1070 | For every teer which that Criseyde asterte, |
The crampe of deeth, to streyne him by the herte. |
And in his minde he gan the tyme acurse | |
That he cam there, and that that he was born; | |
For now is wikke turned into worse, | |
1075 | And al that labour he hath doon biforn, |
He wende it lost, he thoughte he nas but lorn. | |
`O Pandarus,' thoughte he, `allas! Thy wyle | |
Serveth of nought, so weylaway the whyle!' |
And therwithal he heng a-doun the heed, | |
1080 | And fil on knees, and sorwfully he sighte; |
What mighte he seyn? He felte he nas but deed, | |
For wrooth was she that shulde his sorwes lighte. | |
But nathelees, whan that he speken mighte, | |
Than seyde he thus, `God woot, that of this game, | |
1085 | Whan al is wist, than am I not to blame!' |
Ther-with the sorwe so his herte shette, | |
That from his eyen fil there not a tere, | |
And every spirit his vigour in-knette, | |
So they astoned or oppressed were. | |
1090 | The feling of his sorwe, or of his fere, |
Or of ought elles, fled was out of towne; | |
And doun he fel al sodeynly a-swowne. |
This was no litel sorwe for to see; | |
But al was hust, and Pandare up as faste, | |
1095 | `O nece, pees, or we be lost,' quod he, |
`Beth nought agast;' But certeyn, at the laste, | |
For this or that, he in-to bedde him caste, | |
And seyde, `O theef, is this a mannes herte?' | |
And of he rente al to his bare sherte; |
1100 | And seyde, `Nece, but ye helpe us now, |
Allas, your owne Troilus is lorn!' | |
`Y-wis, so wolde I, and I wiste how, | |
Ful fayn,' quod she; `Allas! That I was born!' | |
`Ye, nece, wole ye pullen out the thorn | |
1105 | That stiketh in his herte?' quod Pandare; |
`Sey "Al foryeve," and stint is al this fare!' |
`Ye, that to me,' quod she, `ful levere were | |
Than al the good the sonne aboute gooth'; | |
And therwithal she swoor him in his ere, | |
1110 | `Y-wis, my dere herte, I am nought wrooth, |
Have here my trouthe and many another ooth; | |
Now speek to me, for it am I, Criseyde!' | |
But al for nought; yet mighte he not a-breyde. |
Therwith his pous and pawmes of his hondes | |
1115 | They gan to frote, and wete his temples tweyne, |
And, to deliveren him from bittre bondes, | |
She ofte him kiste; and, shortly for to seyne, | |
Him to revoken she dide al hir peyne. | |
And at the laste, he gan his breeth to drawe, | |
1120 | And of his swough sone after that adawe, |
And gan bet minde and reson to him take, | |
But wonder sore he was abayst, ywis. | |
And with a syk, whan he gan bet awake, | |
He seyde, `O mercy, God, what thing is this?' | |
1125 | `Why do ye with yourselven thus amis?' |
Quod tho Criseyde, `Is this a mannes game? | |
What, Troilus! Wol ye do thus, for shame?' |
And therwithal hir arm over him she leyde, | |
And al foryaf, and ofte tyme him keste. | |
1130 | He thonked hir, and to hir spak, and seyde |
As fil to purpos for his herte reste. | |
And she to that answerde him as hir leste; | |
And with hir goodly wordes him disporte | |
She gan, and ofte his sorwes to comforte. |
1135 | Quod Pandarus, `For ought I can espyen, |
This light, nor I ne serven here of nought; | |
Light is not good for sike folkes yen. | |
But for the love of God, syn ye be brought | |
In thus good plit, lat now non hevy thought | |
1140 | Ben hanginge in the hertes of yow tweye:' |
And bar the candele to the chimeneye. |
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Next: From Troilus and Criseyde, Book III, lines 1142-1337: Troilus and Criseyde finally touch each other |
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