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Sone after this, though it no nede were, | |
Whan she swich othes as hir list devyse | |
Hadde of him take, hir thoughte tho no fere, | |
1145 | Ne cause eek non, to bidde him thennes ryse. |
Yet lesse thing than othes may suffyse | |
In many a cas; for every wight, I gesse, | |
That loveth wel meneth but gentilesse. |
But in effect she wolde wite anoon | |
1150 | Of what man, and eek where, and also why |
He jalous was, syn ther was cause noon; | |
And eek the signe, that he took it by, | |
She bad him that to telle hir bisily, | |
Or elles, certeyn, she bar him on honde, | |
1155 | That this was doon of malis, hir to fonde. |
Withouten more, shortly for to seyne, | |
He moste obeye unto his lady heste; | |
And for the lasse harm, he moste feyne. | |
He seyde hir, whan she was at swich a feste, | |
1160 | She mighte on him han loked at the leste; |
Not I not what, al dere ynough a risshe, | |
As he that nedes moste a cause fisshe. |
And she answerde, `Swete, al were it so, | |
What harm was that, syn I non yvel mene? | |
1165 | For, by that God that boughte us bothe two, |
In alle thinge is myn entente clene. | |
Swich arguments ne been not worth a bene; | |
Wol ye the childish jalous countrefete? | |
Now were it worthy that ye were ybete.' |
1170 | Tho Troilus gan sorwfully to syke, |
Lest she be wrooth, him thoughte his herte deyde; | |
And seyde, `Allas! Up-on my sorwes syke | |
Have mercy, swete herte myn, Criseyde! | |
And if that, in tho wordes that I seyde, | |
1175 | Be any wrong, I wol no more trespace; |
Do what yow list, I am al in your grace.' |
And she answerde, `Of gilt misericorde! | |
That is to seyn, that I foryeve al this; | |
And ever-more on this night yow recorde, | |
1180 | And beth wel war ye do no more amis.' |
`Nay, dere herte myn,' quod he, `y-wis.' | |
`And now,' quod she, `that I have do yow smerte, | |
Foryeve it me, myn owene swete herte.' |
This Troilus, with blisse of that supprysed, | |
1185 | Put al in Goddes hond, as he that mente |
No-thing but wel; and, sodeynly avysed, | |
He hir in armes faste to him hente. | |
And Pandarus, with a ful good entente, | |
Leyde him to slepe, and seyde, `If ye ben wyse, | |
1190 | Swowneth not now, lest more folk aryse.' |
What mighte or may the sely larke seye, | |
Whan that the sperhauk hath it in his foot? | |
I can no more, but of thise ilke tweye, | |
To whom this tale sucre be or soot, | |
1195 | Though that I tarie a yeer, som-tyme I moot, |
After myn auctor, tellen hir gladnesse, | |
As wel as I have told hir hevinesse. |
Criseyde, which that felte hir thus ytake, | |
As writen clerkes in hir bokes olde, | |
1200 | Right as an aspes leef she gan to quake, |
Whan she him felte hir in his armes folde. | |
But Troilus, al hool of cares colde, | |
Gan thanken tho the blisful goddes sevene; | |
Thus sondry peynes bringen folk in hevene. |
1205 | This Troilus in armes gan hir streyne, |
And seyde, `O swete, as ever mote I goon, | |
Now be ye caught, now is ther but we tweyne; | |
Now yeldeth yow, for other boot is non.' | |
To that Criseyde answerde thus anon, | |
1210 | `Ne hadde I er now, my swete herte dere, |
Ben yolde, ywis, I were now not here!' |
O! Sooth is seyd, that heled for to be | |
As of a fevre or othere greet syknesse, | |
Men moste drinke, as men may often see, | |
1215 | Ful bittre drink; and for to han gladnesse, |
Men drinken often peyne and greet distresse; | |
I mene it here, as for this aventure, | |
That thurgh a peyne hath founden al his cure. |
And now swetnesse semeth more sweet, | |
1220 | That bitternesse assayed was biforn; |
For out of wo in blisse now they flete; | |
Non swich they felten, sith they were born; | |
Now is this bet, than bothe two be lorn! | |
For love of God, take every womman hede | |
1225 | To werken thus, if it comth to the nede. |
Criseyde, al quit from every drede and tene, | |
As she that juste cause hadde him to triste, | |
Made him swich feste, it joye was to sene, | |
Whan she his trouthe and clene entente wiste. | |
1230 | And as aboute a tree, with many a twiste, |
Bitrent and wryth the sote wodebinde, | |
Gan ech of hem in armes other winde. |
And as the newe abaysshed nightingale, | |
That stinteth first whan she biginneth to singe, | |
1235 | Whan that she hereth any herde tale, |
Or in the hegges any wight steringe, | |
And after siker dooth hir voys out-ringe; | |
Right so Criseyde, whan hir drede stente, | |
Opned hir herte and tolde him hir entente. |
1240 | And right as he that seeth his deeth yshapen, |
And dyen moot, in ought that he may gesse, | |
And sodeynly rescous dooth him escapen, | |
And from his deeth is brought in sikernesse, | |
For al this world, in swich present gladnesse | |
1245 | Was Troilus, and hath his lady swete; |
With worse hap God lat us never mete! |
Hir armes smale, hir streyghte bak and softe, | |
Hir sydes longe, fleshly, smothe, and whyte | |
He gan to stroke, and good thrift bad ful ofte | |
1250 | Hir snowish throte, hir brestes rounde and lyte; |
Thus in this hevene he gan him to delyte, | |
And therwithal a thousand tyme hir kiste; | |
That, what to done, for joye unnethe he wiste. |
Than seyde he thus, `O, Love, O, Charitee, | |
1255 | Thy moder eek, Citherea the swete, |
After thyself next heried be she, | |
Venus mene I, the wel-willy planete; | |
And next that, Imeneus, I thee grete; | |
For never man was to yow goddes holde | |
1260 | As I, which ye han brought fro cares colde. |
`Benigne Love, thou holy bond of thinges, | |
Who-so wol grace, and list thee nought honouren, | |
Lo, his desyr wol flee withouten winges. | |
For, noldestow of bountee hem socouren | |
1265 | That serven best and most alwey labouren, |
Yet were al lost, that dar I wel seyn, certes, | |
But-if thy grace passed our desertes. |
`And for thou me, that coude leest deserve | |
Of hem that nombred been unto thy grace, | |
1270 | Hast holpen, ther I lykly was to sterve, |
And me bistowed in so heygh a place | |
That thilke boundes may no blisse pace, | |
I can no more, but laude and reverence | |
Be to thy bountee and thyn excellence!' |
1275 | And therwithal Criseyde anoon he kiste, |
Of which, certeyn, she felte no disese, | |
And thus seyde he, `Now wolde God I wiste, | |
Myn herte swete, how I yow mighte plese! | |
What man,' quod he, `was ever thus at ese | |
1280 | As I, on whiche the faireste and the beste |
That ever I say, deyneth hir herte reste. |
`Here may men seen that mercy passeth right; | |
The experience of that is felt in me, | |
That am unworthy to so swete a wight. | |
1285 | But herte myn, of your benignytee, |
So thenketh, though that I unworthy be, | |
Yet mot I nede amenden in som wyse, | |
Right thourgh the vertu of your heyghe servyse. |
`And for the love of God, my lady dere, | |
1290 | Syn God hath wrought me for I shal yow serve, |
As thus I mene, that ye wol be my stere, | |
To do me live, if that yow liste, or sterve, | |
So techeth me how that I may deserve | |
Your thank, so that I, thurgh myn ignoraunce, | |
1295 | Ne do no thing that yow be displesaunce. |
`For certes, fresshe wommanliche wyf, | |
This dar I seye, that trouthe and diligence, | |
That shal ye finden in me al my lyf, | |
Ne wol not, certeyn, breken your defence; | |
1300 | And if I do, present or in absence, |
For love of God, lat slee me with the dede, | |
If that it lyke unto your womanhede.' |
`Ywis,' quod she, `myn owne hertes list, | |
My ground of ese, and al myn herte dere, | |
1305 | Graunt mercy, for on that is al my trist; |
But late us falle awey fro this matere; | |
For it suffyseth, this that seyd is here. | |
And at o word, withouten repentaunce, | |
Welcome, my knight, my pees, my suffisaunce!' |
1310 | Of hir delyt, or joyes oon the leste |
Were impossible to my wit to seye; | |
But juggeth, ye that han ben at the feste, | |
Of swich gladnesse, if that hem liste pleye! | |
I can no more, but thus thise ilke tweye | |
1315 | That night, bitwixen dreed and sikernesse, |
Felten in love the grete worthinesse. |
O blisful night, of hem so longe ysought, | |
How blithe unto hem bothe two thou were! | |
Why ne hadde I swich on with my soule ybought, | |
1320 | Ye, or the leeste joye that was there? |
A-wey, thou foule daunger and thou fere, | |
And lat hem in this hevene blisse dwelle, | |
That is so heygh, that al ne can I telle! |
But sooth is, though I can not tellen al, | |
1325 | As can myn auctor, of his excellence, |
Yet have I seyd, and, God toforn, I shal | |
In every thing al hoolly his sentence. | |
And if that I, at loves reverence, | |
Have any word in eched for the beste, | |
1330 | Doth therwith-al right as your-selven leste. |
For myne wordes, here and every part, | |
I speke hem alle under correccioun | |
Of yow, that feling han in loves art, | |
And putte it al in your discrecioun | |
1335 | To encrese or maken diminucioun |
Of my langage, and that I yow biseche; | |
But now to purpos of my rather speche. |
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Next: From Troilus and Criseyde, Book III, lines 1338-1414: Troilus and Criseyde stay up all night |
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