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1660 | This is o word for al: this Troilus |
Was never ful to speke of this matere, | |
And for to preysen unto Pandarus | |
The bountee of his righte lady dere, | |
And Pandarus to thanke and maken chere. | |
1665 | This tale ay was span-newe to biginne, |
Til that the night departed hem atwinne. |
Sone after this, for that fortune it wolde, | |
Icomen was the blisful tyme swete, | |
That Troilus was warned that he sholde, | |
1670 | Ther he was erst, Criseyde his lady mete; |
For which he felte his herte in Joye flete; | |
And feythfully gan alle the goddes herie; | |
And lat see now if that he can be merie. |
And holden was the forme and al the wyse, | |
1675 | Of hir cominge, and eek of his also, |
As it was erst, which nedeth nought devyse. | |
But playnly to the effect right for to go, | |
In Joye and suerte Pandarus hem two | |
Abedde broughte, whan that hem bothe leste, | |
1680 | And thus they ben in quiete and in reste. |
Nought nedeth it to yow, syn they ben met, | |
To aske at me if that they blythe were; | |
For if it erst was wel, tho was it bet | |
A thousand fold, this nedeth not enquere. | |
1685 | Agon was every sorwe and every fere; |
And bothe, ywis, they hadde, and so they wende, | |
As muche Joye as herte may comprende. |
This is no litel thing of for to seye, | |
This passeth every wit for to devyse; | |
1690 | For ech of hem gan otheres lust obeye; |
Felicitee, which that thise clerkes wyse | |
Commenden so, ne may not here suffyse. | |
This joye may not writen been with inke, | |
This passeth al that herte may bithinke. |
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Next: From Troilus and Criseyde, Book III, lines 1695-1743: Bad times are coming |
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