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1695 | But cruel day, so welawey the stounde! |
Gan for to aproche, as they by signes knewe, | |
For whiche hem thoughte felen dethes wounde; | |
So wo was hem, that changen gan hir hewe | |
And day they goonnen to dispyse al newe, | |
1700 | Calling it traytour, envyous, and worse, |
And bitterly the dayes light they curse. |
Quod Troilus, `Allas! Now am I war | |
That Pirous and tho swifte stedes three, | |
Whiche that drawen forth the sonnes char, | |
1705 | Han goon som by-path in despyt of me; |
That maketh it so sone day to be; | |
And, for the sonne him hasteth thus to ryse, | |
Ne shal I never doon him sacrifyse!' |
But nedes day departe moste hem sone, | |
1710 | And whanne hir speche doon was and hir chere, |
They twynne anoon as they were wont to done, | |
And setten tyme of meting eft yfere; | |
And many a night they wroughte in this manere. | |
And thus Fortune a tyme ladde in joye | |
1715 | Criseyde, and eek this kinges sone of Troye. |
In suffisaunce, in blisse, and in singinges, | |
This Troilus gan al his lyf to lede; | |
He spendeth, jousteth, maketh festeynges; | |
He yeveth frely ofte, and chaungeth wede, | |
1720 | And held aboute him alwey, out of drede, |
A world of folk, as cam him wel of kinde, | |
The fressheste and the beste he koude fynde; |
That swich a voys was of hym and a stevene | |
Thurgh-out the world, of honour and largesse, | |
1725 | That it up rong unto the yate of hevene. |
And, as in love, he was in swich gladnesse, | |
That in his herte he demede, as I gesse, | |
That there nis lovere in this world at ese | |
So wel as he, and thus gan love him plese. |
1730 | The godlihede or beautee which that kinde |
In any other lady hadde yset | |
Can not the mountaunce of a knot unbinde, | |
A-boute his herte, of al Criseydes net. | |
He was so narwe ymasked and yknet, | |
1735 | That it undon on any manere syde, |
That nil not been, for ought that may betyde. |
And by the hond ful ofte he wolde take | |
This Pandarus, and into gardin lede, | |
And swich a feste and swich a proces make | |
1740 | Him of Criseyde, and of hir womanhede, |
And of hir beautee, that, withouten drede, | |
It was an hevene his wordes for to here; | |
And thanne he wolde singe in this manere: |
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Next: From Troilus and Criseyde, Book III, lines 1744-1771: Canticus Troili: Troilus sings about love |
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