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Canticus Troili. |
`Love, that of erthe and see hath governaunce, | |
1745 | Love, that his hestes hath in hevene hye, |
Love, that with an holsom alliaunce | |
Halt peples joyned, as him list hem gye, | |
Love, that knetteth lawe of companye, | |
And couples doth in vertu for to dwelle, | |
1750 | Bind this acord, that I have told and telle; |
`That that the world with feyth, which that is stable, | |
Dyverseth so his stoundes concordinge, | |
That elements that been so discordable | |
Holden a bond perpetuely duringe, | |
1755 | That Phebus mote his rosy day forth bringe, |
And that the mone hath lordship over the nightes, | |
Al this doth Love; ay heried be his mightes! |
`That, that the see, that gredy is to flowen, | |
Constreyneth to a certeyn ende so | |
1760 | His flodes, that so fersly they ne growen |
To drenchen erthe and al for ever mo; | |
And if that Love ought lete his brydel go, | |
Al that now loveth asonder sholde lepe, | |
And lost were al, that Love halt now to-hepe. |
1765 | `So wolde God, that auctor is of kinde, |
That, with his bond, Love of his vertu liste | |
To cerclen hertes alle, and faste binde, | |
That from his bond no wight the wey out wiste. | |
And hertes colde, hem wolde I that he twiste | |
1770 | To make hem love, and that hem leste ay rewe |
On hertes sore, and kepe hem that ben trewe.' |
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Next: From Troilus and Criseyde, Book III, lines 1772-1820: About Troilus and Ector |
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