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This Troilus in teeris gan distille, | |
520 | As licour out of alambyk ful faste; |
And Pandarus gan holde his tunge stille, | |
And to the ground his eyen doun he caste. | |
But nathelees, thus thoughte he at the laste, | |
`What, pardee, rather than my felawe deye, | |
525 | Yet shal I som-what more unto him seye:' |
And seyde, `Freend, syn thou hast swich distresse, | |
And syn thee list myn arguments to blame, | |
Why nilt thy-selven helpen doon redresse, | |
And with thy manhod letten al this grame? | |
530 | Go ravisshe hir ne kanstow not for shame! |
And outher lat hir out of toune fare, | |
Or hold hir stille, and leve thy nyce fare. |
`Artow in Troye, and hast non hardiment | |
To take a womman which that loveth thee, | |
535 | And wolde hirselven been of thyn assent? |
Now is not this a nyce vanitee? | |
Rys up anoon, and lat this weping be, | |
And kyth thou art a man, for in this houre | |
I wil be deed, or she shal bleven oure.' |
540 | To this answerde him Troilus ful softe, |
And seyde, `Parde, leve brother dere, | |
Al this have I my-self yet thought ful ofte, | |
And more thing than thou devysest here. | |
But why this thing is laft, thou shalt wel here; | |
545 | And whan thou me hast yeve an audience, |
Ther-after mayst thou telle al thy sentence. |
`First, syn thou wost this toun hath al this werre | |
For ravisshing of wommen so by might, | |
It sholde not be suffred me to erre, | |
550 | As it stant now, ne doon so gret unright. |
I sholde han also blame of every wight, | |
My fadres graunt if that I so withstode, | |
Syn she is chaunged for the tounes goode. |
`I have eek thought, so it were hir assent, | |
555 | To aske hir at my fader, of his grace; |
Than thenke I, this were hir accusement, | |
Syn wel I woot I may hir not purchace. | |
For syn my fader, in so heigh a place | |
As parlement, hath hir eschaunge enseled, | |
560 | He nil for me his lettre be repeled. |
`Yet drede I most hir herte to pertourbe | |
With violence, if I do swich a game; | |
For if I wolde it openly distourbe, | |
It moste been disclaundre to hir name. | |
565 | And me were levere deed than hir defame, |
As nolde God but-if I sholde have | |
Hir honour levere than my lyf to save! |
`Thus am I lost, for ought that I can see; | |
For certeyn is, syn that I am hir knight, | |
570 | I moste hir honour levere han than me |
In every cas, as lovere oughte of right. | |
Thus am I with desyr and reson twight; | |
Desyr for to destourben hir me redeth, | |
And reson nil not, so myn herte dredeth.' |
575 | Thus wepinge that he koude never cesse, |
He seyde, `Allas! How shal I, wrecche, fare? | |
For wel fele I alwey my love encresse, | |
And hope is lasse and lasse alwey, Pandare! | |
Encressen eek the causes of my care; | |
580 | So wel-a-wey, why nil myn herte breste? |
For, as in love, ther is but litel reste.' |
Pandare answerde, `Freend, thou mayst, for me, | |
Don as thee list; but hadde ich it so hote, | |
And thyn estat, she sholde go with me; | |
585 | Though al this toun cryede on this thing by note, |
I nolde sette at al that noyse a grote. | |
For when men han wel cryed, than wol they roune; | |
A wonder last but nyne night never in toune. |
`Devyne not in reson ay so depe | |
590 | Ne curteysly, but help thy-self anoon; |
Bet is that othere than thy-selven wepe, | |
And namely, syn ye two been al oon. | |
Rys up, for by myn heed, she shal not goon; | |
And rather be in blame a lyte y-founde | |
595 | Than sterve here as a gnat, withoute wounde. |
`It is no shame un-to yow, ne no vyce | |
Hir to with-holden, that ye loveth most. | |
Paraunter, she mighte holden thee for nyce | |
To lete hir go thus to the Grekes ost. | |
600 | Thenk eek Fortune, as wel thy-selven wost, |
Helpeth hardy man to his enpryse, | |
And weyveth wrecches, for hir cowardyse. |
`And though thy lady wolde a litel hir greve, | |
Thou shalt thy pees ful wel here-after make, | |
605 | But as for me, certayn, I can not leve |
That she wolde it as now for yvel take. | |
Why sholde than for ferd thyn herte quake? | |
Thenk eek how Paris hath, that is thy brother, | |
A love; and why shaltow not have another? |
610 | `And Troilus, o thing I dar thee swere, |
That if Criseyde, whiche that is thy leef, | |
Now loveth thee as wel as thou dost here, | |
God helpe me so, she nil nat take a-greef, | |
Though thou do bote anon in this mescheef. | |
615 | And if she wilneth fro thee for to passe, |
Thanne is she fals; so love hir wel the lasse. |
`For-thy tak herte, and thenk, right as a knight, | |
Thourgh love is broken alday every lawe. | |
Kyth now somwhat thy corage and thy might, | |
620 | Have mercy on thyself, for any awe. |
Lat not this wrecched wo thin herte gnawe, | |
But manly set the world on sixe and sevene; | |
And, if thou deye a martir, go to hevene. |
`I wol myself be with thee at this dede, | |
625 | Though ich and al my kin, upon a stounde, |
Shulle in a strete as dogges liggen dede, | |
Thurgh-girt with many a wyd and blody wounde. | |
In every cas I wol a freend be founde. | |
And if thee list here sterven as a wrecche, | |
630 | A-dieu, the devel spede him that it recche!' |
This Troilus gan with tho wordes quiken, | |
And seyde, `Freend, graunt mercy, ich assente; | |
But certaynly thou mayst not me so priken, | |
Ne peyne noon ne may me so tormente, | |
635 | That, for no cas, it is not myn entente, |
At shorte wordes, though I dyen sholde, | |
To ravisshe hir, but-if hirself it wolde.' |
`Why, so mene I,' quod Pandarus, `al this day. | |
But tel me than, hastow hir wil assayed, | |
640 | That sorwest thus?' And he answerde, `Nay.' |
`Wher-of artow,' quod Pandare, `than a-mayed, | |
That nost not that she wol ben yvele apayed | |
To ravisshe hir, syn thou hast not ben there, | |
But if that Jove tolde it in thyn ere? |
645 | `For-thy rys up, as nought ne were, anoon, |
And wash thy face, and to the king thou wende, | |
Or he may wondren whider thou art goon. | |
Thou most with wisdom him and othere blende; | |
Or, upon cas, he may after thee sende | |
650 | Er thou be war; and shortly, brother dere, |
Be glad, and lat me werke in this matere. |
`For I shal shape it so, that sikerly | |
Thou shalt this night som tyme, in som manere, | |
Com speke with thy lady prively, | |
655 | And by hir wordes eek, and by hir chere, |
Thou shalt ful sone aperceyve and wel here | |
Al hir entente, and in this cas the beste; | |
And fare now wel, for in this point I reste.' |
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Next: From Troilus and Criseyde, Book IV, lines 659-735: The women of Troy deliberate about the exchange |
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