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From Troilus and Criseyde, Book IV, lines 519-658:
Pandarus insists on the exchange of Criseyde for Antenor
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Geoffrey Chaucer (1342 - 1400):
Troilus and Criseyde
Book IV, lines 659-735: The women of Troy deliberate about the exchange

The swifte Fame, whiche that false thinges
660Egal reporteth lyk the thinges trewe,
Was thurgh-out Troye yfled with preste winges
Fro man to man, and made this tale al newe,
How Calkas doughter, with hir brighte hewe,
At parlement, withouten wordes more,
665Igraunted was in chaunge of Antenore.

The whiche tale anoon-right as Criseyde
Had herd, she, which that of hir fader roughte,
As in this cas, right nought, ne whanne he deyde,
Ful bisily to Jupiter bisoughte
670Yeve hem meschaunce that this tretis broughte.
But shortly, lest thise tales sothe were,
She dorste at no wight asken it, for fere.

As she that hadde hir herte and al hir minde
On Troilus yset so wonder faste,
675That al this world ne mighte hir love unbinde,
Ne Troilus out of hir herte caste;
She wol ben his, whyl that hir lyf may laste.
And thus she brenneth bothe in love and drede,
So that she niste what was best to rede.

680But as men seen in toune, and al aboute,
That wommen usen frendes to visyte,
So to Criseyde of wommen com a route
For pitous joye, and wenden hir delyte;
And with hir tales, dere ynough a myte,
685These wommen, whiche that in the cite dwelle,
They sette hem doun, and seyde as I shal telle.

Quod first that oon, `I am glad, trewely,
Bycause of yow, that shal your fader see.'
Another seyde, `Ywis, so nam not I,
690For al to litel hath she with us be.'
Quod tho the thridde, `I hope, y-wis, that she
Shal bringen us the pees on every syde,
That, whan she gooth, almighty God hir gyde!'

Tho wordes and tho wommanisshe thinges,
695She herde hem right as though she thennes were;
For, God it woot, hir herte on other thing is,
Although the body sat among hem there.
Hir advertence is alwey elles-where;
For Troilus ful faste hir soule soughte;
700With-outen word, alwey on him she thoughte.

Thise wommen, that thus wenden hir to plese,
Aboute nought gonne alle hir tales spende;
Swich vanitee ne can don hir non ese,
As she that, al this mene whyle brende
705Of other passioun than that they wende,
So that she felte almost hir herte deye
For wo, and wery of that companye.

For which no lenger mighte she restreyne
Hir teeris, so they gonnen up to welle,
710That yaven signes of the bitter peyne
In whiche hir spirit was, and moste dwelle;
Remembring hir, fro heven unto which helle
She fallen was, sith she forgoth the sighte
Of Troilus, and sorowfully she sighte.

715And thilke foles sittinge hir aboute
Wenden, that she wepte and syked sore
Bycause that she sholde out of that route
Departe, and never pleye with hem more.
And they that hadde yknowen hir of yore
720Seye hir so wepe, and thoughte it kindenesse,
And ech of hem wepte eek for hir destresse;

And bisily they gonnen hir conforten
Of thing, God woot, on which she litel thoughte;
And with hir tales wenden hir disporten,
725And to be glad they often hir bisoughte.
But swich an ese ther-with they hir wroughte
Right as a man is esed for to fele,
For ache of heed, to clawen him on his hele!

But after al this nyce vanitee
730They took hir leve, and hoom they wenten alle.
Criseyde, ful of sorweful pitee,
In-to hir chaumbre up wente out of the halle,
And on hir bed she gan for deed to falle,
In purpos never thennes for to ryse;
735And thus she wroughte, as I shal yow devyse.

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From Troilus and Criseyde, Book IV, lines 736-805:
Criseyde pities her situation