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Pandare, which that sent from Troilus | |
Was to Criseyde, as ye han herd devyse, | |
That for the beste it was accorded thus, | |
And he ful glad to doon him that servyse, | |
810 | Unto Criseyde, in a ful secree wyse, |
Ther as she lay in torment and in rage, | |
Com hir to telle al hoolly his message, |
And fond that she hirselven gan to trete | |
Ful pitously; for with hir salte teeris | |
815 | Hir brest, hir face, y-bathed was ful wete; |
The mighty tresses of hir sonnish heeris, | |
Unbroyden, hangen al aboute hir eeris; | |
Which yaf him verray signal of martyre | |
Of deeth, which that hir herte gan desyre. |
820 | Whan she him saw, she gan for sorwe anoon |
Hir tery face a-twixe hir armes hide, | |
For which this Pandare is so wo bi-goon, | |
That in the hous he mighte unnethe abyde, | |
As he that pitee felte on every syde. | |
825 | For if Criseyde hadde erst compleyned sore, |
Tho gan she pleyne a thousand tymes more. |
And in hir aspre pleynte than she seyde, | |
`Pandare first of joyes mo than two | |
Was cause causinge unto me, Criseyde, | |
830 | That now transmuwed been in cruel wo. |
Wher shal I seye to yow "wel come" or no, | |
That alderfirst me broughte into servyse | |
Of love, allas! That endeth in swich wyse? |
`Endeth than love in wo? Ye, or men lyeth! | |
835 | And alle worldly blisse, as thinketh me. |
The ende of blisse ay sorwe it occupyeth; | |
And whoso troweth not that it so be, | |
Lat him upon me, woful wrecche, y-see, | |
That myself hate, and ay my birthe acorse, | |
840 | Felinge alwey, fro wikke I go to worse. |
`Who-so me seeth, he seeth sorwe al at ones, | |
Peyne, torment, pleynte, wo, distresse. | |
Out of my woful body harm ther noon is, | |
As anguish, langour, cruel bitternesse, | |
845 | A-noy, smert, drede, fury, and eek siknesse. |
I trowe, ywis, from hevene teeris reyne, | |
For pitee of myn aspre and cruel peyne! ' |
`And thou, my suster, ful of discomfort,' | |
Quod Pandarus, `what thenkestow to do? | |
850 | Why ne hastow to thyselven som resport, |
Why woltow thus thyselve, allas, for-do? | |
Leef al this werk and tak now hede to | |
That I shal seyn, and herkne, of good entente, | |
This, which by me thy Troilus thee sente.' |
855 | Torned hir tho Criseyde, a wo makinge |
So greet that it a deeth was for to see: -- | |
`Allas!' quod she, `what wordes may ye bringe? | |
What wol my dere herte seyn to me, | |
Which that I drede never-mo to see? | |
860 | Wol he have pleynte or teeris, er I wende? |
I have ynough, if he therafter sende!' |
She was right swich to seen in hir visage | |
As is that wight that men on bere binde; | |
Hir face, lyk of Paradys the image, | |
865 | Was al ychaunged in another kinde. |
The pleye, the laughtre men was wont to finde | |
On hir, and eek hir joyes everychone, | |
Ben fled, and thus lyth now Criseyde allone. |
Aboute hir eyen two a purpre ring | |
870 | Bitrent, in sothfast tokninge of hir peyne, |
That to biholde it was a dedly thing, | |
For which Pandare mighte not restreyne | |
The teeris from his eyen for to reyne. | |
But nathelees, as he best mighte, he seyde | |
875 | From Troilus thise wordes to Criseyde. |
`Lo, nece, I trowe ye han herd al how | |
The king, with othere lordes, for the beste, | |
Hath mad eschaunge of Antenor and yow, | |
That cause is of this sorwe and this unreste. | |
880 | But how this cas doth Troilus moleste, |
That may non erthely mannes tonge seye; | |
For verray wo his wit is al aweye. |
`For which we han so sorwed, he and I, | |
That into litel bothe it hadde us slawe; | |
885 | But thurgh my conseil this day, fynally, |
He somwhat is fro weping now withdrawe. | |
And semeth me that he desyreth fawe | |
With yow to been al night, for to devyse | |
Remede in this, if ther were any wyse. |
890 | `This, short and pleyne, the effect of my message, |
As ferforth as my wit can comprehende. | |
For ye, that been of torment in swich rage, | |
May to no long prologe as now entende; | |
And herupon ye may answere him sende. | |
895 | And, for the love of God, my nece dere, |
So leef this wo er Troilus be here.' |
`Gret is my wo,' quod she, and sighte sore, | |
As she that feleth dedly sharp distresse; | |
`But yet to me his sorwe is muchel more, | |
900 | That love him bet than he himself, I gesse. |
Allas! For me hath he swich hevinesse? | |
Can he for me so pitously compleyne? | |
Y-wis, his sorwe doubleth al my peyne. |
`Grevous to me, God woot, is for to twynne,' | |
905 | Quod she, `but yet it hardere is to me |
To seen that sorwe which that he is inne; | |
For wel woot I, it wol my bane be; | |
And deye I wol in certayn,' tho quod she; | |
`But bidde him come, er deeth, that thus me threteth, | |
910 | Dryve out that goost which in myn herte beteth.' |
Thise wordes seyd, she on hir armes two | |
Fil gruf, and gan to wepe pitously. | |
Quod Pandarus, `Allas! Why do ye so, | |
Syn wel ye woot the tyme is faste by, | |
915 | That he shal come? Arys up hastely, |
That he yow nat biwopen thus ne finde, | |
But ye wol have him wood out of his minde! |
`For wiste he that ye ferde in this manere, | |
He wolde himselve slee; and if I wende | |
920 | To han this fare, he sholde not come here |
For al the good that Pryam may despende. | |
For to what fyn he wolde anoon pretende, | |
That knowe I wel; and forthy yet I seye, | |
So leef this sorwe, or platly he wol deye. |
925 | `And shapeth yow his sorwe for to abregge, |
And nought encresse, leve nece swete; | |
Beth rather to him cause of flat than egge, | |
And with som wysdom ye his sorwes bete. | |
What helpeth it to wepen ful a strete, | |
930 | Or though ye bothe in salte teeris dreynte |
Bet is a tyme of cure ay than of pleynte. |
`I mene thus; whan I him hider bringe, | |
Syn ye ben wyse, and bothe of oon assent, | |
So shapeth how distourbe your goinge, | |
935 | Or come ayen, sone after ye be went. |
Wommen ben wyse in short avysement; | |
And lat sen how your wit shal now avayle; | |
And what that I may helpe, it shal not fayle.' |
`Go,' quod Criseyde, `and uncle, trewely, | |
940 | I shal don al my might, me to restreyne |
From weping in his sighte, and bisily, | |
Him for to glade, I shal don al my peyne, | |
And in myn herte seken every veyne; | |
If to this soor ther may be founden salve, | |
945 | It shal not lakken, certain, on myn halve.' |
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Next: From Troilus and Criseyde, Book IV, lines 946-1127: Pandarus urges Troilus to forget Criseyde |
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