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Goth Pandarus, and Troilus he soughte, | |
Til in a temple he fond him allone, | |
As he that of his lyf no lenger roughte; | |
But to the pitouse goddes everichon | |
950 | Ful tendrely he preyde, and made his mone, |
To doon him sone out of this world to pace; | |
For wel he thoughte ther was non other grace. |
And shortly, al the sothe for to seye, | |
He was so fallen in despeyr that day, | |
955 | That outrely he shoop him for to deye. |
For right thus was his argument alwey: | |
He seyde, he nas but loren, waylawey! | |
`For al that comth, comth by necessitee; | |
Thus to be lorn, it is my destinee. |
960 | `For certaynly, this woot I wel,' he seyde, |
`That forsight of divyne purveyaunce | |
Hath seyn alwey me to forgon Criseyde, | |
Syn God seeth every thing, out of doutaunce, | |
And hem disponeth, thourgh his ordinaunce, | |
965 | In hir merytes soothly for to be, |
As they shul comen by predestinee. |
`But nathelees, allas! Whom shal I leve? | |
For ther ben grete clerkes many oon, | |
That destinee thorugh argumentes preve; | |
970 | And som men seyn that nedely ther is noon; |
But that free chois is yeven us everichon. | |
O, welaway! So sleye arn clerkes olde, | |
That I not whos opinion I may holde. |
`For som men seyn, if God seth al biforn, | |
975 | Ne God may not deceyved ben, pardee, |
Than moot it fallen, though men hadde it sworn, | |
That purveyaunce hath seyn bifore to be. | |
Wherfor I seye, that from eterne if he | |
Hath wist biforn our thought eek as our dede, | |
980 | We have no free chois, as these clerkes rede. |
`For other thought nor other dede also | |
Might never be, but swich as purveyaunce, | |
Which may not ben deceyved nevermo, | |
Hath feled biforn, withouten ignoraunce. | |
985 | For if ther mighte been a variaunce |
To wrythen out fro goddes purveyinge, | |
Ther nere no prescience of thing cominge; |
`But it were rather an opinioun | |
Uncerteyn, and no stedfast forseinge; | |
990 | And certes, that were an abusioun, |
That God shuld han no parfit cleer witinge | |
More than we men that han doutous weninge. | |
But swich an errour upon God to gesse | |
Were fals and foul, and wikked corsednesse. |
995 | `Eek this is an opinioun of somme |
That han hir top ful heighe and smothe y-shore; | |
They seyn right thus, that thing is not to come | |
For that the prescience hath seyn bifore | |
That it shal come; but they seyn that therfore | |
1000 | That it shal come, therfore the purveyaunce |
Woot it biforn withouten ignoraunce; |
`And in this manere this necessitee | |
Retorneth in his part contrarie agayn. | |
For needfully bihoveth it not to be | |
1005 | That thilke thinges fallen in certayn |
That ben purveyed; but nedely, as they seyn, | |
Bihoveth it that thinges, whiche that falle, | |
That they in certayn ben purveyed alle. |
`I mene as though I laboured me in this, | |
1010 | To enqueren which thing cause of which thing be; |
As whether that the prescience of God is | |
The certayn cause of the necessitee | |
Of thinges that to comen been, pardee; | |
Or if necessitee of thing cominge | |
1015 | Be cause certeyn of the purveyinge. |
`But now ne enforce I me nat in shewinge | |
How the ordre of causes stant; but wel woot I, | |
That it bihoveth that the bifallinge | |
Of thinges wist biforen certeynly | |
1020 | Be necessarie, al seme it not therby |
That prescience put falling necessaire | |
To thing to come, al falle it foule or faire. |
`For if ther sitte a man yond on a see, | |
Than by necessitee bihoveth it | |
1025 | That, certes, thyn opinioun sooth be, |
That wenest or conjectest that he sit; | |
And ferther now ayenward yit, | |
Lo, right so it is of the part contrarie, | |
As thus; (now herkne, for I wol not tarie): |
1030 | `I seye, that if the opinioun of thee |
Be sooth, for that he sit, than seye I this, | |
That he mot sitten by necessitee; | |
And thus necessitee in either is. | |
For in him nede of sittinge is, ywis, | |
1035 | And in thee nede of sooth; and thus, forsothe, |
Ther moot necessitee ben in yow bothe. |
`But thou mayst seyn, the man sit not therfore, | |
That thyn opinioun of sitting soth is; | |
But rather, for the man sit ther bifore, | |
1040 | Therfore is thyn opinioun sooth, y-wis. |
And I seye, though the cause of sooth of this | |
Comth of his sitting, yet necessitee | |
Is entrechaunged, bothe in him and thee. |
`Thus on this same wyse, out of doutaunce, | |
1045 | I may wel maken, as it semeth me, |
My resoninge of goddes purveyaunce, | |
And of the thinges that to comen be; | |
By whiche reson men may wel ysee, | |
That thilke thinges that in erthe falle, | |
1050 | That by necessitee they comen alle. |
`For al-though that, for thing shal come, ywis, | |
Therfore is it purveyed, certaynly, | |
Nat that it comth for it purveyed is: | |
Yet nathelees, bihoveth it nedfully, | |
1055 | That thing to come be purveyed, trewely; |
Or elles, thinges that purveyed be, | |
That they bityden by necessitee. |
`And this suffyseth right y-now, certeyn, | |
For to destroye our free chois everydeel. -- | |
1060 | But now is this abusion, to seyn, |
That fallinge of the thinges temporel | |
Is cause of goddes prescience eternel. | |
Now trewely, that is a fals sentence, | |
That thing to come sholde cause his prescience. |
1065 | `What mighte I wene, and I hadde swich a thought, |
But that God purveyth thing that is to come | |
For that it is to come, and elles nought? | |
So mighte I wene that thinges alle and some, | |
That whilom been bifalle and overcome, | |
1070 | Ben cause of thilke sovereyn purveyaunce, |
That forwoot al withouten ignoraunce. |
`And over al this, yet seye I more herto, | |
That right as whan I woot ther is a thing, | |
Y-wis, that thing mot nedefully be so; | |
1075 | Eek right so, whan I woot a thing coming, |
So mot it come; and thus the bifalling | |
Of thinges that ben wist bifore the tyde, | |
They mowe not been eschewed on no syde.' |
Than seyde he thus, `Almighty Jove in trone, | |
1080 | That wost of al this thing the soothfastnesse, |
Rewe on my sorwe, or do me deye sone, | |
Or bring Criseyde and me fro this distresse.' | |
And whyl he was in al this hevynesse, | |
Disputinge with himself in this matere, | |
1085 | Com Pandare in, and seyde as ye may here. |
`O mighty God,' quod Pandarus, `in trone, | |
Ey! Who seigh ever a wys man faren so? | |
Why, Troilus, what thenkestow to done? | |
Hastow swich lust to been thyn owene fo? | |
1090 | What, pardee, yet is not Criseyde a-go! |
Why list thee so thyself fordoon for drede, | |
That in thyn heed thyn eyen semen dede? |
`Hastow not lived many a yeer biforn | |
Withouten hir, and ferd ful wel at ese? | |
1095 | Artow for hir and for non other born? |
Hath kinde thee wroughte al only hir to plese? | |
Lat be, and thenk right thus in thy disese. | |
That, in the dees right as ther fallen chaunces, | |
Right so in love, ther come and goon plesaunces. |
1100 | `And yet this is a wonder most of alle, |
Why thou thus sorwest, syn thou nost not yit, | |
Touching hir goinge, how that it shal falle, | |
Ne if she can hirself distorben it. | |
Thou hast not yet assayed al hir wit. | |
1105 | A man may al by tyme his nekke bede |
Whan it shal of, and sorwen at the nede. |
`Forthy take hede of that that I shal seye; | |
I have with hir yspoke and longe ybe, | |
So as accorded was bitwixe us tweye. | |
1110 | And ever-mor me thinketh thus, that she |
Hath somwhat in hir hertes privetee, | |
Wher-with she can, if I shal right arede, | |
Distorbe al this, of which thou art in drede. |
`For which my counseil is, whan it is night, | |
1115 | Thou to hir go, and make of this an ende; |
And blisful Juno, thourgh hir grete mighte, | |
Shal, as I hope, hir grace unto us sende. | |
Myn herte seyth, "Certeyn, she shal not wende;" | |
And forthy put thyn herte a whyle in reste; | |
1120 | And hold this purpos, for it is the beste.' |
This Troilus answerde, and sighte sore, | |
`Thou seyst right wel, and I wil do right so;' | |
And what him liste, he seyde unto it more. | |
And whan that it was tyme for to go, | |
1125 | Ful prively himself, withouten mo, |
Unto hir com, as he was wont to done; | |
And how they wroughte, I shal yow telle sone. |
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Next: From Troilus and Criseyde, Book IV, lines 1128-1148: Troilus and Criseyde embrace each other crying |
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