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From Troilus and Criseyde, Book V, lines 925-1008:
Criseyde does not affirm or deny Diomedes' intended love for her
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Geoffrey Chaucer (1342 - 1400):
Troilus and Criseyde
Book V, lines 1009-1099: Criseyde falls for Diomedes

But in effect, and shortly for to seye,
1010This Diomede al freshly newe ayeyn
Gan pressen on, and faste hir mercy preye;
And after this, the sothe for to seyn,
Hir glove he took, of which he was ful fayn.
And fynally, whan it was waxen eve,
1015And al was wel, he roos and took his leve.

The brighte Venus folwede and ay taughte
The wey, ther brode Phebus doun alighte;
And Cynthea hir char-hors overraughte
To whirle out of the Lyon, if she mighte;
1020And Signifer his candelse shewed brighte,
Whan that Criseyde unto hir bedde wente
In-with hir fadres faire brighte tente.

Retorning in hir soule ay up and doun
The wordes of this sodein Diomede,
1025His greet estat, and peril of the toun,
And that she was allone and hadde nede
Of freendes help; and thus bigan to brede
The cause why, the sothe for to telle,
That she tok fully purpos for to dwelle.

1030The morwe com, and goostly for to speke,
This Diomede is come unto Criseyde,
And shortly, lest that ye my tale breke,
So wel he for himselve spak and seyde,
That alle hir sykes sore adoun he leyde.
1035And fynally, the sothe for to seyne,
He refte hir of the grete of al hir peyne.

And after this the story telleth us,
That she him yaf the faire baye stede,
The which he ones wan of Troilus;
1040And eek a broche (and that was litel nede)
That Troilus was, she yaf this Diomede.
And eek, the bet from sorwe him to releve,
She made him were a pencel of hir sleve.

I finde eek in stories elleswhere,
1045Whan thurgh the body hurt was Diomede
Of Troilus, tho weep she many a tere,
Whan that she saugh his wyde woundes blede;
And that she took to kepen him good hede,
And for to hele him of his sorwes smerte.
1050Men seyn, I not, that she yaf him hir herte.

But trewely, the story telleth us,
Ther made never womman more wo
Than she, whan that she falsed Troilus.
She seyde, `Allas! For now is clene a-go
1055My name of trouthe in love, for ever-mo!
For I have falsed oon, the gentileste
That ever was, and oon the worthieste!

`Allas, of me, unto the worldes ende,
Shal neither been ywriten nor ysonge
1060No good word, for thise bokes wol me shende.
O, rolled shal I been on many a tonge;
Thurghout the world my belle shal be ronge;
And wommen most wol hate me of alle.
Allas, that swich a cas me sholde falle!

1065`They wol seyn, in as muche as in me is,
I have hem don dishonour, weylawey!
Al be I not the first that dide amis,
What helpeth that to do my blame awey?
But syn I see there is no bettre way,
1070And that to late is now for me to rewe,
To Diomede algate I wol be trewe.

`But Troilus, syn I no better may,
And syn that thus departen ye and I,
Yet preye I God, so yeve yow right good day
1075As for the gentileste, trewely,
That ever I say, to serven feithfully,
And best can ay his lady honour kepe:' --
And with that word she brast anon to wepe.

`And certes yow ne haten shal I never,
1080And freendes love, that shal ye han of me,
And my good word, al mighte I liven ever.
And, trewely, I wolde sory be
For to seen yow in adversitee.
And giltelees, I woot wel, I yow leve;
1085But al shal passe; and thus take I my leve.'

But trewely, how longe it was bitwene,
That she forsook him for this Diomede,
Ther is non auctor telleth it, I wene.
Take every man now to his bokes hede;
1090He shal no terme finden, out of drede.
For though that he bigan to wowe hir sone,
Er he hir wan, yet was ther more to done.

Ne me ne list this sely womman chyde
Ferther than the story wol devyse.
1095Hir name, allas! Is publisshed so wyde,
That for hir gilt it oughte ynough suffyse.
And if I mighte excuse hir any wyse,
For she so sory was for hir untrouthe,
Y-wis, I wolde excuse hir yet for routhe.

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From Troilus and Criseyde, Book V, lines 1100-1204:
Troilus awaits Criseyde's return