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1100 | This Troilus, as I biforn have told, |
Thus dryveth forth, as wel as he hath might. | |
But often was his herte hoot and cold, | |
And namely, that ilke nynthe night, | |
Which on the morwe she hadde him bihight | |
1105 | To come ayein: God wot, ful litel reste |
Hadde he that night; nothing to slepe him leste. |
The laurer-crowned Phebus, with his hete, | |
Gan, in his course ay upward as he wente, | |
To warmen of the est see the wawes wete, | |
1110 | And Nisus doughter song with fresh entente, |
Whan Troilus his Pandare after sente; | |
And on the walles of the toun they pleyde, | |
To loke if they can seen ought of Criseyde. |
Til it was noon, they stoden for to see | |
1115 | Who that ther come; and every maner wight, |
That cam fro fer, they seyden it was she, | |
Til that they koude knowen him aright. | |
Now was his herte dul, now was it light; | |
And thus byjaped stonden for to stare | |
1120 | Aboute nought, this Troilus and Pandare. |
To Pandarus this Troilus tho seyde, | |
`For ought I woot, bi-for noon, sikerly, | |
In-to this toun ne comth nought here Criseyde. | |
She hath ynough to done, hardily, | |
1125 | To winnen from hir fader, so trowe I; |
Hir olde fader wol yet make hir dyne | |
Er that she go; God yeve his herte pyne!' |
Pandare answerde, `It may wel be, certeyn; | |
And for-thy lat us dyne, I thee biseche; | |
1130 | And after noon than maystw thou come ayeyn.' |
And hoom they go, withoute more speche; | |
And comen ayein, but longe may they seche | |
Er that they finde that they after cape; | |
Fortune hem bothe thenketh for to jape. |
1135 | Quod Troilus, `I see wel now, that she |
Is taried with hir olde fader so, | |
That er she come, it wole neigh even be. | |
Com forth, I wol unto the yate go. | |
Thise portours been unkonninge ever mo; | |
1140 | And I wol doon hem holden up the yate |
As nought ne were, although she come late.' |
The day goth faste, and after that comth eve, | |
And yet com nought to Troilus Criseyde. | |
He loketh forth by hegge, by tree, by greve, | |
1145 | And fer his heed over the wal he leyde. |
And at the laste he torned him, and seyde. | |
`By God, I woot hir mening now, Pandare! | |
Al-most, y-wis, al newe was my care. |
`Now douteles, this lady can hir good; | |
1150 | I woot, she meneth ryden prively. |
I comende hir wysdom, by myn hood! | |
She wol not maken peple nycely | |
Gaure on hir, whan she comth; but softely | |
By nighte in-to the toun she thenketh ryde. | |
1155 | And, dere brother, thenk not longe to abyde. |
`We han nought elles for to don, ywis. | |
And Pandarus, now woltow trowen me? | |
Have here my trouthe, I see hir! Yond she is. | |
Heve up thyn eyen, man! Maystow not see?' | |
1160 | Pandare answerde, `Nay, so mote I thee! |
Al wrong, by God; what seystow, man, wher art? | |
That I see yond nis but a fare-cart.' |
`Allas, thou seist right sooth,' quod Troilus; | |
`But, hardily, it is not al for nought | |
1165 | That in myn herte I now rejoyse thus. |
It is ayein som good I have a thought. | |
Noot I not how, but syn that I was wrought, | |
Ne felte I swich a confort, dar I seye; | |
She comth to-night, my lyf, that dorste I leye!' |
1170 | Pandare answerde, `It may be wel, ynough'; |
And held with him of al that ever he seyde; | |
But in his herte he thoughte, and softe lough, | |
And to himself ful sobrely he seyde: | |
`From haselwode, ther joly Robin pleyde, | |
1175 | Shal come al that thou abydest here; |
Ye, fare-wel al the snow of ferne yere!' |
The wardeyn of the yates gan to calle | |
The folk which that withoute the yates were, | |
And bad hem dryven in hir bestes alle, | |
1180 | Or al the night they moste bleven there. |
And fer within the night, with many a tere, | |
This Troilus gan hoomward for to ryde; | |
For wel he seeth it helpeth nought to abyde. |
But nathelees, he gladded him in this; | |
1185 | He thoughte he misacounted hadde his day, |
And seyde, `I understonde have al amis. | |
For thilke night I last Criseyde say, | |
She seyde, "I shal ben here, if that I may, | |
Er that the mone, O dere herte swete! | |
1190 | The Lyon passe, out of this Ariete." |
`For which she may yet holde al hir biheste.' | |
And on the morwe unto the yate he wente, | |
And up and down, by west and eek by este, | |
Upon the walles made he many a wente. | |
1195 | But al for nought; his hope alwey him blente; |
For which at night, in sorwe and sykes sore, | |
He wente him hoom, withouten any more. |
This hope al clene out of his herte fledde, | |
He nath wheron now lenger for to honge; | |
1200 | But for the peyne him thoughte his herte bledde, |
So were his throwes sharpe and wonder stronge. | |
For when he saugh that she abood so longe, | |
He niste what he juggen of it mighte, | |
Syn she hath broken that she him bihighte. |
Next: From Troilus and Criseyde, Book V, lines 1205-1309: Troilus suspects Criseyde's unfaithfullness, but Pandarus urges him not to draw hasty conclusions |