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From Troilus and Criseyde, Book V, lines 281-413:
Pandarus comforts Troilus and urges him to rise
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Geoffrey Chaucer (1342 - 1400):
Troilus and Criseyde
Book V, lines 414-434: Pandarus suggests to visit king Sarpendoun

This Troilus answerde, `O brother dere,
415This knowen folk that han ysuffred peyne,
That though he wepe and make sorwful chere,
That feleth harm and smert in every veyne,
No wonder is; and though I ever pleyne,
Or alwey wepe, I am no thing to blame,
420Syn I have lost the cause of al my game.

`But syn of fyne force I moot aryse,
I shal aryse as sone as ever I may;
And God, to whom myn herte I sacrifyse,
So sende us hastely the tenthe day!
425For was ther never fowel so fayn of May,
As I shal been, whan that she cometh in Troye,
That cause is of my torment and my joye.

`But whider is thy reed,' quod Troilus,
`That we may pleye us best in al this toun?'
430`Bi God, my conseil is,' quod Pandarus,
`To ryde and pleye us with king Sarpedoun.'
So longe of this they speken up and doun,
Til Troilus gan at the laste assente
To ryse, and forth to Sarpedoun they wente.

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From Troilus and Criseyde, Book V, lines 435-511:
Troilus and Pandarus feast at Sarpendoun's and return to Troy