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435 | This Sarpedoun, as he that honourable |
Was ever his lyve, and ful of heigh prowesse, | |
With al that mighte y-served been on table, | |
That deyntee was, al coste it greet richesse, | |
He fedde hem day by day, that swich noblesse, | |
440 | As seyden bothe the moste and eek the leste, |
Was never er that day wist at any feste. |
Nor in this world ther is non instrument | |
Delicious, through wind, or touche, of corde, | |
As fer as any wight hath ever ywent, | |
445 | That tonge telle or herte may recorde, |
That at that feste it nas wel herd acorde; | |
Ne of ladies eek so fayr a companye | |
On daunce, er tho, was never yseyn with ye. |
But what avayleth this to Troilus, | |
450 | That for his sorwe no thing of it roughte? |
For ever in oon his herte pietous | |
Ful bisily Criseyde his lady soughte. | |
On hir was ever al that his herte thoughte, | |
Now this, now that, so faste imagininge, | |
455 | That glade, iwis, can him no festeyinge. |
These ladies eek that at this feste been, | |
Syn that he saugh his lady was a-weye, | |
It was his sorwe upon hem for to seen, | |
Or for to here on instrumentz so pleye. | |
460 | For she, that of his herte berth the keye, |
Was absent, lo, this was his fantasye, | |
That no wight sholde make melodye. |
Nor ther nas houre in al the day or night, | |
Whan he was ther as no wight mighte him here, | |
465 | That he ne seyde, `O lufsom lady bright, |
How have ye faren, syn that ye were here? | |
Welcome, ywis, myn owene lady dere.' | |
But welaway, al this nas but a mase; | |
Fortune his howve entended bet to glase. |
470 | The lettres eek, that she of olde tyme |
Hadde him ysent, he wolde allone rede, | |
An hundred sythe, a-twixen noon and pryme; | |
Refiguringe hir shap, hir womanhede, | |
Withinne his herte, and every word and dede | |
475 | That passed was, and thus he droof to an ende |
The ferthe day, and seyde, he wolde wende. |
And seyde, `Leve brother Pandarus, | |
Intendestow that we shal here bleve | |
Til Sarpedoun wol forth congeyen us? | |
480 | Yet were it fairer that we toke our leve. |
For Goddes love, lat us now sone at eve | |
Our leve take, and homward lat us torne; | |
For trewely, I nil not thus sojourne.' |
Pandare answerde, `Be we comen hider | |
485 | To fecchen fyr, and rennen hoom ayeyn? |
God helpe me so, I can not tellen whider | |
We mighten goon, if I shal soothly seyn, | |
Ther any wight is of us more fayn | |
Than Sarpedoun; and if we hennes hye | |
490 | Thus sodeinly, I holde it vileynye. |
`Syn that we seyden that we wolde bleve | |
With him a wouke; and now, thus sodeynly, | |
The ferthe day to take of him oure leve, | |
He wolde wondren on it, trewely! | |
495 | Lat us holde forth our purpos fermely; |
And syn that ye bihighten him to byde, | |
Hold forward now, and after lat us ryde.' |
Thus Pandarus, with alle peyne and wo, | |
Made him to dwelle; and at the woukes ende, | |
500 | Of Sarpedoun they toke hir leve tho, |
And on hir wey they spedden hem to wende. | |
Quod Troilus, `Now God me grace sende, | |
That I may finden, at myn hom-cominge, | |
Criseyde comen!' And therwith gan he singe. |
505 | `Ye, hasel-wode!' thoughte this Pandare, |
And to himself ful softely he seyde, | |
`God woot, refreyden may this hote fare, | |
Er Calkas sende Troilus Criseyde!' | |
But nathelees, he japed thus, and seyde, | |
510 | And swor, ywis, his herte him wel bihighte, |
She wolde come as sone as ever she mighte. |
Next: From Troilus and Criseyde, Book V, lines 512-602: Troilus and Pandarus go to Criseyde's empty house |