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And after this he to the yates wente | |
Ther as Criseyde out rood a ful good paas, | |
605 | And up and doun ther made he many a wente, |
And to him-self ful ofte he seyde `Allas! | |
From hennes rood my blisse and my solas! | |
As wolde blisful God now, for his joye, | |
I mighte hir seen ayein come into Troye! |
610 | `And to the yonder hille I gan hir gyde, |
Allas! And there I took of hir my leve! | |
And yond I saugh hir to hir fader ryde, | |
For sorwe of which myn herte shal to-cleve. | |
And hider hoom I com whan it was eve; | |
615 | And here I dwelle out cast from alle joye, |
And shal, til I may seen hir eft in Troye.' |
And of him-self imagened he ofte | |
To ben defet, and pale, and waxen lesse | |
Than he was wont, and that men seyden softe, | |
620 | `What may it be? Who can the sothe gesse |
Why Troilus hath al this hevynesse?' | |
And al this nas but his malencolye, | |
That he hadde of himself swich fantasye. |
Another tyme imaginen he wolde | |
625 | That every wight that wente by the weye |
Had of him routhe, and that they seyen sholde, | |
`I am right sory Troilus wole deye.' | |
And thus he droof a day yet forth or tweye. | |
As ye have herd, swich lyf right gan he lede, | |
630 | As he that stood bitwixen hope and drede. |
For which him lyked in his songes shewe | |
Thencheson of his wo, as he best mighte, | |
And made a song of wordes but a fewe, | |
Somwhat his woful herte for to lighte. | |
635 | And whan he was from every mannes sighte, |
With softe voys he, of his lady dere, | |
That was absent, gan singe as ye may here. |
`O sterre, of which I lost have al the light, | |
With herte soor wel oughte I to bewayle, | |
640 | That ever derk in torment, night by night, |
Toward my deeth with wind in stere I sayle; | |
For which the tenthe night if that I fayle | |
The gyding of thy bemes brighte an houre, | |
My ship and me Caribdis wole devoure.' |
645 | This song whan he thus songen hadde, sone |
He fil ayein into his sykes olde; | |
And every night, as was his wone to done, | |
He stood the brighte mone to beholde, | |
And al his sorwe he to the mone tolde; | |
650 | And seyde, `Ywis, whan thou art horned newe, |
I shal be glad, if al the world be trewe! |
`I saugh thyn hornes olde eek by the morwe, | |
Whan hennes rood my righte lady dere, | |
That cause is of my torment and my sorwe; | |
655 | For whiche, O brighte Lucina the clere, |
For love of God, ren faste aboute thy spere! | |
For whan thyn hornes newe ginne springe, | |
Than shal she come, that may my blisse bringe!' |
The day is more, and lenger every night, | |
660 | Than they be wont to be, him thoughte tho; |
And that the sonne wente his course unright | |
By lenger wey than it was wont to go; | |
And seyde, `Ywis, me dredeth ever-mo, | |
The sonnes sone, Pheton, be on-lyve, | |
665 | And that his fadres cart amis he dryve.' |
Upon the walles faste eek wolde he walke, | |
And on the Grekes oost he wolde see, | |
And to himself right thus he wolde talke, | |
`Lo, yonder is myn owene lady free, | |
670 | Or elles yonder, ther tho tentes be! |
And thennes comth this eyr, that is so sote, | |
That in my soule I fele it doth me bote. |
`And hardily this wind, that more and more | |
Thus stoundemele encreseth in my face, | |
675 | Is of my ladyes depe sykes sore. |
I preve it thus, for in non othere place | |
Of al this toun, save onliche in this space, | |
Fele I no wind that souneth so lyk peyne; | |
It seyth, "Allas! Why twynned be we tweyne?"' |
680 | This longe tyme he dryveth forth right thus, |
Til fully passed was the nynthe night; | |
And ay bisyde him was this Pandarus, | |
That bisily dide alle his fulle might | |
Him to comforte, and make his herte light; | |
685 | Yevinge him hope alwey, the tenthe morwe |
That she shal come, and stinten al his sorwe. |
Next: From Troilus and Criseyde, Book V, lines 687-770: At the Greek side, Criseyde also mourns and she decides to try to flee back to Troy |