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Upon that other syde eek was Criseyde, | |
With wommen fewe, among the Grekes stronge; | |
For which ful ofte a day `Allas,' she seyde, | |
690 | `That I was born! Wel may myn herte longe |
After my deeth; for now live I to longe! | |
Allas! And I ne may it not amende; | |
For now is wors than ever yet I wende. |
`My fader nil for nothing do me grace | |
695 | To goon ayein, for nought I can him queme; |
And if so be that I my terme passe, | |
My Troilus shal in his herte deme | |
That I am fals, and so it may wel seme. | |
Thus shal I have unthank on every syde; | |
700 | That I was born, so weylaway the tyde! |
`And if that I me putte in jupartye, | |
To stele awey by nighte, and it bifalle | |
That I be caught, I shal be holde a spye; | |
Or elles, lo, this drede I most of alle, | |
705 | If in the hondes of som wrecche I falle, |
I am but lost, al be myn herte trewe; | |
Now mighty God, thou on my sorwe rewe!' |
Ful pale y-waxen was hir brighte face, | |
Hir limes lene, as she that al the day | |
710 | Stood whan she dorste, and loked on the place |
Ther she was born, and ther she dwelt hadde ay. | |
And al the night wepinge, allas! she lay. | |
And thus despeired, out of alle cure, | |
She ladde hir lyf, this woful creature. |
715 | Ful ofte a day she sighte eek for destresse, |
And in hirself she wente ay portrayinge | |
Of Troilus the grete worthinesse, | |
And alle his goodly wordes recordinge | |
Syn first that day hir love bigan to springe. | |
720 | And thus she sette hir woful herte a-fyre |
Thurgh remembraunce of that she gan desyre. |
In al this world ther nis so cruel herte | |
That hir hadde herd compleynen in hir sorwe, | |
That nolde han wopen for hir peynes smerte, | |
725 | So tendrely she weep, bothe eve and morwe. |
Hir nedede no teeris for to borwe. | |
And this was yet the worste of al hir peyne, | |
Ther was no wight to whom she dorste hir pleyne. |
Ful rewfully she loked upon Troye, | |
730 | Biheld the toures heighe and eek the halles; |
`Allas!' quod she, `The plesaunce and the joye | |
The whiche that now al torned into galle is, | |
Have I had ofte withinne yonder walles! | |
O Troilus, what dostow now,' she seyde; | |
735 | `Lord! Whether yet thou thenke upon Criseyde? |
`Allas! I ne hadde trowed on your lore, | |
And went with yow, as ye me radde er this! | |
Thanne hadde I now not syked half so sore. | |
Who mighte han seyd, that I had doon amis | |
740 | To stele awey with swich on as he is? |
But al to late cometh the letuarie, | |
Whan men the cors unto the grave carie. |
`To late is now to speke of this matere; | |
Prudence, allas! Oon of thyn eyen three | |
745 | Me lakked alwey, er that I come here; |
On tyme ypassed, wel remembred me; | |
And present tyme eek coude I wel ysee. | |
But futur tyme, er I was in the snare, | |
Coude I not seen; that causeth now my care. |
750 | `But nathelees, bityde what bityde, |
I shal to-morwe at night, by est or weste, | |
Out of this ost stele on som maner syde, | |
And go with Troilus wheras him leste. | |
This purpos wol I holde, and this is beste. | |
755 | No fors of wikked tonges janglerye, |
For ever on love han wrecches had envye. |
`For whoso wole of every word take hede, | |
Or rewlen him by every wightes wit, | |
Ne shal he never thryven, out of drede. | |
760 | For that that som men blamen ever yit, |
Lo, other maner folk commenden it. | |
And as for me, for al swich variaunce, | |
Felicitee clepe I my suffisaunce. |
`For which, withouten any wordes mo, | |
765 | To Troye I wol, as for conclusioun.' |
But God it wot, er fully monthes two, | |
She was ful fer fro that entencioun. | |
For bothe Troilus and Troye toun | |
Shal knotteles throughout hir herte slyde; | |
770 | For she wol take a purpos for to abyde. |
Next: From Troilus and Criseyde, Book V, lines 771-924: Diomedes advises Criseyde to forget Troy and the Trojans |