"Now dame," quod he," now je vous dy sanz doute, |
175 | Have I nat of a capon but the lyvere, |
| And of youre softe breed nat but a shyvere, |
| And after that a rosted pigges heed - |
| But that I nolde no beest for me were deed - |
| Thanne hadde I with yow hoomly suffisaunce. |
180 | I am a man of litel sustenaunce; |
| My spirit hath his fostryng in the bible. |
| The body is ay so redy and penyble |
| To wake, that my stomak is destroyed. |
| I prey yow, dame, ye be nat anoyed, |
185 | Though I so freendly yow my conseil shewe. |
| By god! I wolde nat telle it but a fewe." |
| "Now, sire," quod she, "but o word er I go. |
| My child is deed withinne thise wykes two, |
| Soone after that ye wente out of this toun." |
| "Now, dame," said he then, "je vous dis, sans doute, |
175 | Had I of a fat capon but the liver, |
| And of your soft white bread naught but a sliver, |
| And after that a pig's head well roasted |
| Except that I would no beast for me were dead, |
| Then had I with you plain sufficiency. |
180 | I am a man of little gluttony. |
| My spirit has its nourishment in the Bible. |
| My body is so inured and so pliable |
| To watching, that my appetite's destroyed. |
| I pray you, lady, be you not annoyed |
185 | Though I so intimately my secret show; |
| By God, I would reveal it to but few." |
| "Now, sir," said she, "but one word before I go; |
| My child has died within this fortnight- oh, |
| Soon after you left town last, it did die." |