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1310 | Acorded been to this conclusioun, |
And that anoon, these ilke lordes two; | |
And hastely sit Troilus adoun, | |
And rolleth in his herte to and fro, | |
How he may best discryven hir his wo. | |
1315 | And to Criseyde, his owene lady dere, |
He wroot right thus, and seyde as ye may here. |
`Right fresshe flour, whos I have been and shal, | |
Withouten part of elleswhere servyse, | |
With herte, body, lyf, lust, thought, and al; | |
1320 | I, woful wight, in everich humble wyse |
That tonge telle or herte may devyse, | |
As ofte as matere occupyeth place, | |
Me recomaunde unto your noble grace. |
`Lyketh it yow to witen, swete herte, | |
1325 | As ye wel knowe how longe tyme agoon |
That ye me lefte in aspre peynes smerte, | |
Whan that ye wente, of which yet bote noon | |
Have I non had, but ever wers bigoon | |
Fro day to day am I, and so mot dwelle, | |
1330 | While it yow list, of wele and wo my welle. |
`For which to yow, with dredful herte trewe, | |
I wryte, as he that sorwe dryfth to write, | |
My wo, that every houre encreseth newe, | |
Compleyninge as I dar or can endite. | |
1335 | And that defaced is, that may ye wyte |
The teres, which that fro myn eyen reyne, | |
That wolde speke, if that they coude, and pleyne. |
`Yow first biseche I, that your eyen clere | |
To look on this defouled ye not holde; | |
1340 | And over al this, that ye, my lady dere, |
Wol vouche-sauf this lettre to biholde. | |
And by the cause eek of my cares colde, | |
That sleeth my wit, if ought amis me asterte, | |
Foryeve it me, myn owene swete herte. |
1345 | `If any servant dorste or oughte of right |
Upon his lady pitously compleyne, | |
Than wene I, that ich oughte be that wight, | |
Considered this, that ye these monthes tweyne | |
Han taried, ther ye seyden, sooth to seyne, | |
1350 | But dayes ten ye nolde in ost sojourne, |
But in two monthes yet ye not retourne. |
`But for as muche as me mot nedes lyke | |
Al that yow list, I dar not pleyne more, | |
But humbely with sorwful sykes syke; | |
1355 | Yow wryte ich myn unresty sorwes sore, |
Fro day to day desyring ever-more | |
To knowen fully, if your wil it were, | |
How ye han ferd and doon, whyl ye be there. |
`The whos welfare and hele eek God encresse | |
1360 | In honour swich, that upward in degree |
It growe alwey, so that it never cesse; | |
Right as your herte ay can, my lady free, | |
Devyse, I prey to God so mote it be. | |
And graunte it that ye sone upon me rewe | |
1365 | As wisly as in al I am yow trewe. |
`And if yow lyketh knowen of the fare | |
Of me, whos wo ther may no wight discryve, | |
I can no more but, cheste of every care, | |
At wrytinge of this lettre I was on-lyve, | |
1370 | Al redy out my woful gost to dryve; |
Which I delaye, and holde him yet in honde, | |
Upon the sight of matere of your sonde. |
`Myn eyen two, in veyn with which I see, | |
Of sorweful teeris salte arn waxen welles; | |
1375 | My song, in pleynte of myn adversitee; |
My good, in harm; myn ese eek waxen helle is. | |
My joye, in wo; I can sey yow nought elles, | |
But turned is, for which my lyf I warie, | |
Everich joye or ese in his contrarie. |
1380 | `Which with your cominge hoom ayein to Troye |
Ye may redresse, and, more a thousand sythe | |
Than ever ich hadde, encressen in me joye. | |
For was ther never herte yet so blythe | |
To han his lyf, as I shal been as swythe | |
1385 | As I yow see; and, though no maner routhe |
Commeve yow, yet thinketh on your trouthe. |
`And if so be my gilt hath deeth deserved, | |
Or if yow list no more up-on me see, | |
In guerdon yet of that I have you served, | |
1390 | Biseche I yow, myn hertes lady free, |
That here-upon ye wolden wryte me, | |
For love of God, my righte loode-sterre, | |
Ther deeth may make an ende of al my werre. |
`If other cause aught doth yow for to dwelle, | |
1395 | That with your lettre ye me recomforte; |
For though to me your absence is an helle, | |
With pacience I wol my wo comporte, | |
And with your lettre of hope I wol desporte. | |
Now wryteth, swete, and lat me thus not pleyne; | |
1400 | With hope, or deeth, delivereth me fro peyne. |
`Ywis, myn owene dere herte trewe, | |
I woot that, whan ye next upon me see, | |
So lost have I myn hele and eek myn hewe, | |
Criseyde shal nought conne knowe me! | |
1405 | Ywis, myn hertes day, my lady free, |
So thursteth ay myn herte to biholde | |
Your beautee, that my lyf unnethe I holde. |
`I sey no more, al have I for to seye | |
To you wel more than I telle may; | |
1410 | But whether that ye do me live or deye, |
Yet pray I God, so yeve yow right good day. | |
And fareth wel, goodly fayre fresshe may, | |
As ye that lyf or deeth me may comaunde; | |
And to your trouthe ay I me recomaunde |
1415 | `With hele swich that, but ye yeven me |
The same hele, I shal noon hele have. | |
In you lyth, whan yow liste that it so be, | |
The day in which me clothen shal my grave. | |
In yow my lyf, in yow might for to save | |
1420 | Me from disese of alle peynes smerte; |
And fare now wel, myn owene swete herte! | |
Le vostre T.' |
This lettre forth was sent unto Criseyde, | |
Of which hir answere in effect was this; | |
Ful pitously she wroot ayein, and seyde, | |
1425 | That also sone as that she might, ywis, |
She wolde come, and mende al that was mis. | |
And fynally she wroot and seyde him thanne, | |
She wolde come, ye, but she niste whenne. |
Next: From Troilus and Criseyde, Book V, lines 1429-1519: Troilus' sister explains his dream and tells him that Diomedes is in and he is out |